Emergency Services Health is open to anyone currently or previously working or volunteering in Emergency Services or the Health and Medical Field.

Emergency Services and First Responders

  • Ambulance and Paramedics
  • State Emergency Services
  • Firefighting
  • Surf Life Saving
  • Police Officers
  • Union or Associated Employees

Health and Medical Professionals

  • Allied Health
  • Medical Centre and Hospital Staff
  • Doctors
  • Nurses & Midwives
  • Medical Supplies
  • Union or Associated Employees

In addition, eligibility also extends to the following close relations of the above:

  • partners, including spouse or defacto
  • former partners
  • dependent and adult children (including the partners and dependent children of the adult children)
  • siblings (including a sibling's partner/spouse, a sibling's dependent child)
  • parents
  • grandchildren

Contact us if you are uncertain about your eligibility – we’d be happy to help!